Pilates Ball Core-strengthening Exercises

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Pilates Ball Core-strengthening Exercises

The Pilates ball is an effective training tool because it promotes core stabilization by adding resistance, which forces exercisers to activate their pelvic floor muscles. These eight Pilates ball exercises, which can be added into an existing routine or performed together in a single workout, are a great way to challenge the deep layers of your core.

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Pregnancy and Infant Loss: What to Say (and What Not to Say)

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Pregnancy and Infant Loss: What to Say (and What Not to Say)

As a health and wellness professional, it's likely that at some point in your career, one of your clients will unfortunately experience a pregnancy or infant loss. Are you prepared to offer empathy and a gentle return-to-exercise protocol when they're ready? Read on for some suggested do's and don'ts when it comes to offering support for someone going through this grieving process.

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Creating Connections: Speaker's
Academy for Fitness Professionals